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August 12, 2001, 19th Sunday OT
Rehearsal Time_______________Presider____________________________________
Additional Notes:_________________________________________________________
Gathering Song _________________________________________________________
Introductory Rite_________________________________________________________
Kyrie _________________________________________________________________
Glory to God ____________________________________________________________
First Reading ___________________________________________________________
Responsorial Psalm______________________________________________________
Second Reading _________________________________________________________
Gospel Acclamation ______________________________________________________
Gospel ________________________________________________________________
General Intercessions _____________________________________________________
Preparation of the Gifts ___________________________________________________
Holy __________________________________________________________________
Memorial Acclamation ____________________________________________________
Great Amen ____________________________________________________________
Lamb of God ___________________________________________________________
Communion Song ________________________________________________________
Song of Praise __________________________________________________________
Dismissal ______________________________________________________________
Closing Song ___________________________________________________________

FIRST READING: Wis. 18: 6-9 Just as you struck our enemies, you made us glorious by calling us to you.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Ps. 33 "Happy are the people the Lord has chosen as his own."
Heb. 11: 1-2, 8-19 We will look for the city designed and built by God.
Mt. 24: 42, 44 "Be watchful and ready: you know not when the Son of Man is coming."
GOSPEL: Lk. 12: 32-48
See that you are prepared. Jesus tells his disciples to be ready like those awaiting the master to return from the wedding feast. Stand ready for the Son of Man shall return at the hour we least expect.
FOCUS: "Be watchful and ready, you know not when the Son is coming." We must be on guard lest our convictions waiver or grow dim. We must always be ready and active in our faith.
REFLECTION: "Until all things become One for you, traced to One source and seen in One act of vision, you cannot find anchorage for the heart, or rest calmly in God. O God, you are the truth; unite me to yourself by an act of unfailing love!" Thomas à Kempis
"I see Paradise has no gate, but whosoever will may enter therein, for God is all mercy and stands with open arms to admit us to His glory. But still I see that the Being of God is so pure (far more than one can imagine) that should a soul see in itself even the least mote of imperfection, it would rather cast itself into a thousand hells than go with that spot into the presence of the Divine Majesty." St. Catherine of Genoa
"To pray does not only mean to stand in prayer. To keep the mind and heart turned towards God and directed to Him-this is already prayer, whatever the position in which one may be. Prayer according to the rule is one thing, and this state of prayer is another. The way to it is to attain the habit of constant remembrance of God, of the last hour and the judgement that follows it. Accustom yourself to this, and all will go well. Every step you take will be inwardly consecrated to God. You must direct your steps according to the commandments; and you know what the commandments are. That is all. It is possible to apply these commandments to every event, and to consecrate all your activities inwardly to God; and then all your life will be dedicated to Him.What more is necessary? Nothing. You see how simple it is."
Theophane the Recluse
APPLYING THE READINGS TO THE LITURGY: We as the Church of Jesus look forward, and we ready ourselves for the future. We also try to understand God through the teaching of past Church leaders. The Church is timeless, just as God's love is beyond time.
An important theme today is the accountability of our actions. Introduce the profession of faith by noting that faith is essential to being ready to meet the Lord. The breaking of the bread could be introduced by declaring that the Eucharist renews our faith and strengthens us to remain awake and alert to God's grace.
Penitential Rite: third form, with second set of invocations.
General Intercessions-
Introduction: Gathered together in Christ as sisters and brothers, let us
call to mind that God is the living bread, the sustenance in our lives.
· For all who have dedicated themselves to God, that he will help them to be faithful to their promise,
· For peace among nations, that God may rid the world of violence,
· For the aged who suffer from loneliness and infirmity, that we will sustain them by our love,
· For all of us gathered here, that God will teach us to use wisely the good things he has given us, that they will lead us closer to him and to the eternal blessings he promises.
Preface: 6th for Sundays in Ordinary Time
The Lord's Prayer: fourth set of sample invitations to prayer.
Prayers over the People: 1, 16
Faith Formation
Death may take us at any moment. The gospel today reveals that we must be vigilant. We must be ready to be in God' presence.
· How can you prepare for the unexpected?
· What does it mean to stay awake?
We need to be accountable for every moment so that we can be ready at all times. Discuss today's gospel and its treatment of how we should live our lives.
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Lead a discussion on responsibility. Ask the children what things they are permitted to do now that they were not allowed to do earlier.
· What responsibilities do we have?
Discuss the concept of staying awake, to paying attention.We should try to pay attention to what we are doing all the time. Are we doing what God wants us to do? Are we being kind to each other? Jesus helps us through the Church, the bible and the Eucharist to be strengthened in God's love.
Song suggestions:
Wait for the Lord (Berthier) TAIZE II
Seek Ye First (Lafferty)
A Mighty Fortress BB/MI, CBW II, GC, GPCOMP, JS, PMB, RS, WCH, WP
All the Ends of the Earth (Dufford) BB/MI, GC, GP, GPCOMP, GTR, JS
All the Ends of the Earth (Haas/Haugen) BB/MI, GTR
All Who Love and Serve Your City 467 CVH, 621 WP
Beginning Today (Dameans) 183 GP, 29 GPCOMP
City of God (Schutte) ACH, BB/MI, GC, GP, GPCOMP, GTR, JS, RS, WW, WC
Change Our Hearts (Cooney) BB/MI, GPCOMP, JS
Creator of the Human Race WW
Gather Us In (Haugen) BB/MI, CVH, GC, GPCOMP, GTR, RS, WCH, WP
Give Us, Lord, a New Heart (Farrell) BB/MI, JS
God Is Working His Purpose Out 642 CVH, 507 WP
God, Whose Purpose Is to Kindle GC, RS, WP
Prayer of Saint Francis (Temple) ACH, BB/MI, CBW II, CVH, GPCOMP, JS, PMB, RS, WCH
Rain Down (Cortez) BB/MI, GP2, JS
Sing a New Song to the Lord (Dudley-Smith) 662 CBW II, 218 GTR, WCH, 550 WP
The God of Abraham Praise BB/MI, GC, JS, RS, WP
The King of Glory (Jabusch) ACH, BB/MI, CBW II, CVH, GC, GPCOMP, JS, PMB, RS, WCH, WP, WW
We Gather Together ACH, BB, CVH, GC, GPCOMP, JS, LMGM, PMB, RS, WCH, WP
We Long for You, O Lord (Reilly) BB/MI, CBW II, CVH, JS
What Does the Lord Require 624 WP, 568 WOV
117 SMM vol. 4 (Hughes)
33 PSALMS (Kreutz)
Lord Be With Us (Walker) BB/MI, HM
Lord, You Have the Words of Everlasting Life (Haugen) 86 SMM vol. 5
The Lord Is Kind (Isele) 41 PFCY
Lord, You Have the Words (Isele) 31 PFCY
Psalm 103 (Hughes) 35 PFAS
Lord, You Have the Words (Kreutz) PSALMS
O Taste and See (Isele) 34 PFCY
Taste and See (Willcock) PFFAS
Taste and See (Haugen) 27 GTR
Taste and See (Kreutz) PSALMS
Taste and See (Moore) 240 GPCOMP, 338 GTR, 337 WCH
All the Earth (Deiss) 2 PMB, WCH
All That is Hidden (Farrell) BB/MI, GP2, JS
Amazing Grace ACH, BB/MI, CBW II, CVH, GC, GP, GPCOMP, GTR, JS, RS, WCH, WOV, WP, WS, (Proulx: G-2326)
At the Name of Jesus AF-33-99-163, BB/MI, CBW II, CVH, JS, WCH, WP
Earthen Vessels (Foley) ACH, BB/MI, GP, GPCOMP, JS
Go Up to the Mountain (Norbet) GP, HM
Haec dies quam fecit (Palestrina) HL-8336
Hold Me in Life (Huijbers, Oosterhuis) BB/MI, CBW III, GTR, JS
How Great Thou Art (Hine) ACH, BB/MI, CBW III, CVH, GC, GPCOMP, JS, PMB, RS, WCH
I Long for You (Dameans) 204 GP, 105 GPCOMP, JS
I Will Lift Up My Eyes BB/MI, GC, GTR, HM, JS
My Soul in Stillness Waits 137 GTR
Now the Day of the Lord is at Hand 687 WP
Prayer for Peace (Sateren) 11-3509
Prayer for Peace (Temple) WCH
Stay Awake (Walker) BB, JS
This World, My God, Is Held within Your Hand 582 WP
Wait for the Lord (Berthier) 139 GTR, TAIZE
What Does the Lord Require RS, WP, WOV
When the King Shall Come Again 355 WP
Adoramus Te Domine II Gloria (Berthier) 221 GTR, GC, TAIZE II
All My Days (Schutte) BB/MI, GP, GPCOMP, JS
Be Not Afraid (Dufford) ACH, BB/MI, CBW II, CBW III, GC, GP, GPCOMP, GTR, JS, RS, WC, WW
Bread of Life (Farrell) BB/MI, HM, JS
City of God, Jerusalem 362 WP
Christ Be Our Light (Farrell) BB/MI, GP2, JS
Communion Hymn (Opie) HL-7370
Eye Has Not Seen (Haugen) BB/MI, GC, GTR, GPCOMP, RS, WCH
How Firm a Foundation (arr. Lovelace) G-2749
Gift of Finest Wheat Kreutz) ACH, BB/MI, CBW II, CVH, GPCOMP, JS, PMB, WCH, WP
Lord, We Share in This One True Bread (Walker) BB/MI
May We Praise You (Foley) BB/MI, GC, GPCOMP, GP, GTR, JS
Our Blessing Cup (Joncas) BB/MI, GC, GP, GPCOMP, GTR, JS
O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts (Schal k) 11-2355
The Dawn of Day (Deiss) BB/MI, GP, WCH
The King of Love, My Shepherd Is BB/MI, CVH, GC, JS, RS, WP
We Come to Your Altar (Brubaker) 7957 WS, WW
We Will Rise Again (Haas) BB/MI, 350 GTR
How Can I Keep from Singing BB/MI, GP, GPCOMP, GTR
Let All the Earth Cry Out (Ps. 100) 207 PMB, WCH
Lord, Let Your Mercy Be Upon Us OCP 8814
O Holy City, Seen By John CVH, GTR, WP, G-4482
Peace Prayer (Foley) 699 CBW II, 40 GP, 192 GCOMP
Praise Ye the Lord (Praetorius) 312- 41067
Watchman, Tell Us of the Night (Below) 11-2234
All People That on Earth Do Dwell BB/MI, CBW II, GC, GPCOMP, JS, PMB, RS, WCH, WOV, WP
And the Father Will Dance (Landry) 4 GP, 16 GPCOMP, JS
Blest Be the Lord (Schutte) ACH, BB/MI,GC, GP, GPCOMP, GTR, JS
Canticle of the Sun (Haugen) ACH, BB/MI, GC, GPCOMP, GTR, RS, WCH
Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation BB/MI, CBW II, CVH, GC, JS, RS, WCH, WOV, WP
Faith of Our Fathers BB/MI, 603 CBW II, 634, 149 PMB, WCH, 571 WP
Forth in Thy Name, O Lord 715 CBW II, 480 WOV
How Firm a Foundation ACH, BB/MI, CVH, GC, JS, RS, WP
How Firm a Foundation (arr. Goemanne) G-2650
I Sing the Mighty Power of God BB/MI, CVH, GPCOMP, WP
Let the Heavens Be Glad (Feiten) BB/ MI, CBW III, 148 GTR
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling BB/MI, CBW III, CVH, GC, GPCOMP, JS, RS, WP
Play Before the Lord (Dufford) 41 GP, 194 GPCOMP
Priestly People (Deiss) JS, PMB, WCH
Rejoice in the Lord (Marchionda) 205 PMB
Rejoice, the Lord Is King and Ye Holy Angels Bright (Owens) G-2624
Thanks Be to You, O God 141 PMB
The Day is Near (Huijbers) GC, GTR
The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns GC, RS, WP
We Walk By Faith (Haugen) ACH, BB/MI, CVH, GC, GPCOMP, GTR, RS, WCH, WP, WW