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November 4, 2001, 31st Sunday OT
Rehearsal Time_______________Presider____________________________________
Additional Notes:_________________________________________________________
Gathering Song _________________________________________________________
Introductory Rite_________________________________________________________
Kyrie _________________________________________________________________
Glory to God ____________________________________________________________
First Reading ___________________________________________________________
Responsorial Psalm______________________________________________________
Second Reading _________________________________________________________
Gospel Acclamation ______________________________________________________
Gospel ________________________________________________________________
General Intercessions _____________________________________________________
Preparation of the Gifts ___________________________________________________
Holy __________________________________________________________________
Memorial Acclamation ____________________________________________________
Great Amen ____________________________________________________________
Lamb of God ___________________________________________________________
Communion Song ________________________________________________________
Song of Praise __________________________________________________________
Dismissal ______________________________________________________________
Closing Song ___________________________________________________________

FIRST READING: Wis. 11: 22-12: 2 "You have mercy on all things because you love everything that exists." God , whose imperishable spirit is in us all, loves all that exists.
Ps. 145 "I will bless your name for ever, O God my king."
2 Thess. 1: 11-2: 1 "The name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be glorified in you and you in him."
Jn. 3: 14 "God loved the world so much, he gave us his only Son, that all who believe in him might have eternal life."
GOSPEL: Lk. 19: 1-10
"The Son of Man came to seek and to find that which was lost."
Zacchaeus, anxious to catch a glimpse of Jesus, climbed up a sycamore. When Jesus reached the spot he welcomed Zacchaeus down. Zacchaeus, moved by Jesus declared to give half of his possessions to the poor and to repay those whom he may have cheated.
FOCUS: God, who loves all that exists, sent his Son to seek out the lost.
REFLECTION: "Heretics are to be converted by an example of humility and other virtues for more readily than by any external display or verbal battles. So let us arm ourselves with devout prayers and set off showing signs of genuine humility and go barefooted to combat Goliath." St. Dominic
"Nothing must keep us back, nothing separate us from him, nothing come between us and him. At all times and seasons, in every country and place, every day and all day, we must have a true and humble faith, and keep him in our hearts where we must love, honour, adore, serve, praise and bless, glorify and acclaim, magnify and thank, the most high supreme and eternal God, three in one, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Creator of All and Saviour of those who believe in him, who hope in him, and who love him; without beginning and without end, he is unchangeable, invisible, indescribable and ineffable, incomprehensible, unfathomable, blessed and worthy of all praise." St. Francis of Assissi
"The essential mood of the penitent is this: 'In the way Thou knowest, O Lord, save me. For my part I will labor without hypocrisy, without deviation and misinterpretation, but according a pure conscience, doing everything that I understand and that lies in my power.' Whoever can truly feel this in his heart, is accepted by the Lord, who then comes to rule as king within him. God is his teacher, God it is who prays in him, God it is who bears fruit in him. God is his ruler. Such a state is the seed and the heart of the heavenly tree of life within him." Theophane the Recluse
Introduction to the Liturgy: The gift of salvation extends to all people; for the imperishable spirit through Jesus Christ, is in us all.
Opening Prayer: see alternate
Sample General Intercessions-
Introduction: My sisters and brothers, God our Father loves all humankind and desires all to be saved. Let us pray to God with all our hearts,
· For the holy Church of God: that the Lord guide and protect the lost sheep
· For peace among nations, that God may rid the world of violence, and that world leaders experience a conversion of values;
· For all our brothers and sisters in need, that through us, the Lord will assist them,
· For all of us gathered here, that we may recognize and respond to God in our midst;
Eucharistic Prayer: Fourth
Concluding Rite-
Solemn Blessing: Fourth
Faith Formation
God not only accepts us but goes one step further as shown in today' gospel. The universality of God's love revolutionizes us and activates deeper parts of our existence.
· In what ways do you relate to the actions of Zacchaeus in today's gospel?
· What comparison can you draw between Jesus' response in gospel reading, and God's response to us?
Song suggestions:
Come to the Water (Foley) BB/MI, 92 GP, 56 GPCOMP, 202 GTR
You Shall Love the Lord Your God (Englert) 62 PMB, 7940 WS
Eye Has Not Seen (Haugen) BB/MI, 275 GTR, 69 GPCOMP, WCH
Children's Liturgy of the Word
· What is it like to joyfully await the coming of something?
·What are some of the things we look forward to?
In the gospel reading Zacchaeus was very exited about seeing Jesus.
Reflect and use examples from the first reading that illustrate God calling us to action. God wills us into being. The spirit of God drew Zacchaeus to Jesus so strongly that he climbed a sycamore tree just to see him. So it is in our lives, that the Holy Spirit draws us closer to Jesus so that we too may get to know him.
Song suggestions:
Jesus Said: Zacchaeus Come Down (Walker) 63 MCLW
Service (Ceasar) 136 GP, 216 GPCOMP, 56 YPGP
God Is Love (Haas) 270 GTR, BB/MI
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name 107 ACH, BB/MI, 521 CVH, 6 GPCOMP, 99 PMB, WCH, 494 WP
Alleluia, Give Thanks to the Risen Lord (Fishel) 112 ACH, BB/MI, 496 CBW II, 292 CVH, 62 PMB, WCH, 441 WP
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus BB/MI, 536 CBW II, 504 CVH, 12 GPCOMP, 663 PMB, WCH, 439 WOV
Beloved, Let Us Love 601 WP
Bless the Feast (Hansen) BB/MI, GP2, JS
From East and West (Dufford) BB/MI, GP2, JS
God's Holy Mountain 233 PMB, WCH, WW
God Is Love (Haas) 270 GTR, BB/MI
Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love 168 GTR, G-3000, 33 LMGM, 36 TWC, 431 WP
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling BB/MI, 158 GPCOMP, 454 CVH, 588 WP
Lift Up Your Hearts (O'Connor) BB/MI, 214 GP, 142 GPCOMP, 231 GTR
Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace 612 CVH, WCH, 602 WP
Praise to the Lord 310 ACH, BB, 592 CVH, 196 GPCOMP, NLM, 122 PMB, TM, 547 WP, WW
Seek First (Berthier) TAIZE II
Sing, O Sing (Schutte) BB/MI, GP2, JS
Sing of the Lord's Goodness (Sands) BB MI, 217 GTR
Sing Our God Together (Haas, Haugen) G- 3960
Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above BB/MI, 528 WP
Service (Ceasar) 136 GP, 216 GPCOMP, 56 YPGP
Stand Up, Friends! (Haas) G-3948
Table of Plenty (Schutte) BB/MI, GP2, JS
The Kingdom of God (Lovelace) G-3250
The Living God (Temple) 532 CBW II, 113 PMB, WCH
The Will of Your Love (Toolan) BB/MI, GP2, JS
We Come as Guests Invited (Walsh) BB/ MI, JS
49 PFAS (Hughes)
55 PSALMS (Kreutz)
47 WSP (Schwarz)
Come to Set Us Free (Farrell) BB, 142 GTR
Eye Has Not Seen (Haugen) BB/MI, 275 GTR, 69 GPCOMP, WCH
Give Me Jesus (arr. Hansen) BB/MI, GP2, JS
God Be in My Head 567 WP
God Is Love (Haas) 270 GTR, BB/MI
God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens 604 CVH, 648 WP
Hail, Redeemer, King Divine BB/MI, 337 CVH, 101 PMB, WCH
Here I Am, Lord (Schutte) 203 ACH, BB/ MI, 198 GP, 92 GPCOMP, 291 GTR, WW
Jesus, the New Covenant (Deiss) 95 PMB
Lord, As the Day Begins (Dean) BB/MI, JS
Lord Be With Us (Walker)BB/MI, JS
Lord, When You Came (Garbarian) 649 CVH, HM, JS, WCH
Only In God (Foley) 701 CBW II, 128 GP, 182 GPCOMP
Praise to You, O Christ Our Savior (Farrell) BB/MI, 210 GTR
Remember Your Love (Dameans) BB/MI, 134 GP, 206 GPCOMP, 158 GTR
Seek Ye First (Lafferty) BB/MI, CBW III, 317 WCH, 580 WP
Shelter Me, O God (Hurd) BB/MI, 276 GTR, HM, JS
Thanks Be to You, O God 141 PMB
We Are Many Parts (Haugen) BB/MI, 310 GTR, WCH
We Have Been Told (Haas) 381ACH, BB/ MI, 253 GPCOMP, 296 GTR, WCH
Where There Is Love (Walker) BB/MI
Where Charity and Love Prevail BB/MI, 387 CVH, 267 GTR 659 PMB, WCH, 598 WP
You Shall Love the Lord Your God (Englert) 62 PMB, 7940 WS
Bread and Wine (Young) G-4066
Bread for the World (Farrell) BB/MI, GP2, JS
Come to the Water (Foley) BB/MI, 56 GPCOMP, 92 GP, 202 GTR
For Peace (Oomen) BB/MI, JS
Gift of Finest Wheat (Kreutz) 173 ACH, BB/MI, 570 CBW II, 389 CVH, 80 GPCOMP, NLM, 665 PMB, WCH, 736 WP, SM, WW , G-3089
God of the Hungry (Soper) BB/MI, GP2, JS
God of Peace (Willcock) BB/MI, GP2
Hold Me in Life (Huijbers, Oosterhuis) BB/MI, 707 CBW II, 241 GTR
I Am the Way (Englert) 102 PMB, WCH
Jesus, the New Covenant (Deiss) 95 PMB, WCH, WW
Let Us Love One Another (Young) G-3070
Love One Another (Chepponis) 268 GTR, G-2615
Love One Another (Roff) 8519 WS
On Eagle's Wings (Joncas) 293 ACH, BB/ MI, 126 GP, 178 GPCOMP, 261 GTR, WCH, WW
Only This I Want (Schutte) 224 GP, 183 GPCOMP
Shepherd of Souls, Refresh and Bless 334 ACH, BB/MI, 390 CVH, WCH, 728 WP
The Bread That We Break (Dean) BB/MI
Through the Mystery of Death (Toolan) BB/MI, GP2
To Be Your Bread (Haas) BB/MI, 80 PMB
That There May Be Bread (Norbet) BB/MI, 271 GP
Ubi Caritas (Berthier) 271 GTR, G-2586, TAIZE II, 604 WP
Where Charity and Love Prevail BB/MI, 387 CVH, 267 GTR 659 PMB, WCH, 598 WP
I Have Loved You (Joncas) BB/MI, GP, GPCOMP, GC, GTR
I Am the Living Bread (Haas) BB/MI
I Sought the Lord 593 WP
Life-Giving Bread (Manalo) G-3911
Lord, Give Sucess to Our Work (Chepponis) WW
Taste and See (Moore) 240 GPCOMP, 338 GTR, WCH
Taste and See (Talbot) BB/MI
A Mighty Fortress BB/MI, 641 CBW II, 15 GPCOMP, 145 PMB, WCH, 575 WP
Beatitudes (Dameans) BB/MI, 182 GP, 27 GPCOMP
Christ Be Our Light (Farrell) BB/MI, GP2, JS
Christ's Church Shall Glory in His Power CVH, WP
I Am the Light of the World (Hayakawa) BB/MI, GTR
In Christ There Is No East or West BB/ MI, CBW III, 650 CVH, 113 GPCOMP, 659 WP 103 PMB, WCH, 391 WOV
Jesus Christ, Inner Light (Toolan) BB/MI, GP2, JS
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee BB/MI, 126 GPCOMP, WCH
Look Beyond (Ducote) BB/MI, 116 GP, 343 GTR, 149 GPCOMP, 33 YPGP
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling BB/MI, 158 GPCOMP, 454 CVH, 588 WP
Meadows and Mountains (Schutte) JS, GP2
O Bless the Lord (Michaels) BB/MI
O Bless the Lord (Michaels) BB/MI
Path of Life (Dameans) 226 GP, 188 GPCOMP
Praise the God of All Creation (Walker) BB/MI
Praise to the Lord 310 ACH, BB, 592 CVH, 196 GPCOMP, 122 PMB, TM, 547 WP
Priestly People (Deiss) 151 PMB, WCH
Rejoice in the Lord (Marchionda) 205 PMB, WCH, WW
Sing Praise to Our Creator 112 PMB, WCH
Sing to the Lord (Owens) G-4717
Song of Thanksgiving (Joncas) BB/MI, 229 GPCOMP
Take the Word of God with You BB/MI, GP2, JS
The Lord Is Near (Dameans) BB, 259 GTR
There's a Wideness in God's Mercy BB/ MI, 535 CVH, 596 WP
We Are Not Our Own (Lovelace) G-4561
We Remember (Haugen) 383 ACH, BB/ MI, 255 GPCOMP, 249 GTR, WCH
Yahweh (Norbet) BB/MI, 669 CBW II, 275 GP, 236 PMB, WCH